Osseodensification effect on implants primary and secondary stability: Multicenter controlled clinical trial
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Molar Septum Expansion with Osseodensification for Immediate Implant Placement, Retrospective Multicenter Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-Up, Introducing a New Molar Socket Classification
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A Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-Up Utilizing a Method that Enhances Bone Density and Allows for Transcrestal Sinus Augmentation through Compaction Grafting
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Minimally Invasive Crestal Approach Sinus Floor Elevation Using Densah Burs, and Hydraulic Lift Utilizing Putty Graft in Cartridge Delivery
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Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Osseodensification versus osteotome for Sinus floor elevation in partially atrophic maxilla: A prospective long term study
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Effect of Osseodensification on Bone Density and Crestal Bone Levels: A Split-mouth Study
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Use of the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique Combined with Osseodensification in Periodontally Compromised Extraction Sites
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Implant Stability of Osseodensification Drilling Versus Conventional Surgical Technique: A Systematic Review
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Does the Instrument Used for the Implant Site Preparation Influence the Bone-Implant Interface? A Systematic Review of Clinical and Animal Studies
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Biomechanics in Implant Osteotomy Preparations
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Osseodensification is a Novel Implant Preparation Technique that Facilitates Ridge Expansion by Compaction Autografting
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Enhancing Implant Stability with Osseodensification – A Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up
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Osseodensification Protocols for Enhancement of Primary and Secondary Implant Stability – A Retrospective 5-Year Follow-Up Multi-Center Study
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Effects of Osseodensification on Immediate Implant Placement: Retrospective Analysis of 211 Implants
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Osseodensification for implant site preparation in the maxilla – a prospective study of 97 implants
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Osseodensification Crestal Sinus Floor Elevation with or without Synthetic and Resorbable Calcium Phosphosilicate Putty
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Alveolar Ridge Expansion by Osseodensification Mediated Plastic Deformation and Compaction Autografting: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Koutouzis, Theofilos DDS, MS; Huwais, Salah DDS†; Hasan, Fadi DDS, MSD; Trahan, William DMD, MSD; Waldrop, Thomas DDS, MS; Neiva, Rodrigo DDS, MS‖ Alveolar Ridge Expansion by Osseodensification-Mediated Plastic Deformation and Compaction Autografting, Implant Dentistry: August 2019 – Volume 28 – Issue 4 – p 349-355.
Preoperative Evaluation and Treatment Planning. Zygomatic Implant Critical Zone (ZICZ) Location
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Tomographic and clinical findings, pre-, trans-, and post-operative, of osseodensification in immediate loading
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Osseodensification Burs: Impact on Implant Insertion and Removal Torque
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An insight into the concept of osseodensification-enhancing the implant stability and success
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Feline Dental Implants: New Paradigm Shift in Maxillary Alveolar Osteitis Treatment Planning with Osseodensification
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Conservative Sinus Floor Elevation and Transport of Putty Graft by Osseodensification Drills: Two Cases
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Clinical Assessment of Dental Implants Placed in Low-Quality Bone Site Prepared for the Healing Chamber with Osseodensification Concept: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial
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Precision and trueness of computer-assisted implant placement using static surgical guides with open and closed sleeves: An in vitro analysis
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Evaluation of crestal sinus floor elevations using versah burs with simultaneous implant placement, at residual bone height 2.0 <> 6.0 mm. A prospective clinical study
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Osseodensified Crestal Sinus Window Augmentation: An Alternative Procedure to the Lateral Window Technique
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Clinical Evaluation of Two Techniques for Narrow Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Clinical Study
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The zygoma anatomy‑guided approach (ZAGA) for rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla
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The effect of Osseodensification Technique on Implant stability (Clinical Trial)
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Osseodensification – A Novel Approach in Implant Dentistry
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Osseodensification Facilitates Ridge Expansion with Enhanced Implant Stability in the Maxilla: Part II Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up
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New Paradigm Shift in Feline Dental Implants in Maxillary Alveolar Osteitis Treatment with Osseodensification
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Osseodensification Increases Primary Implant Stability and Maintains High ISQ Values During First Six Weeks of Healing
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